There are those who have characterized posture as “the constant struggle to remain erect against the force of gravity.” Aristotle saw Homo Sapiens as a “mass of matter”. Ida Rolf saw us as an “energy field”. In both viewpoints, the greater and more overpowering force is that of gravity. It is our constant goal, however momentary, to push away from this incessant force and fly, unencumbered from the earth’s force field. To run. To glide. To fly.

As a golfer, you want to utilize your power and flexibility to unleash a force that will propel your golf ball to great distances and with consistent accuracy. You must have a physical “vehicle” that is both resilient – able to withstand repetitive motion, and reliable – able to harness your strength and coordination with every swing.

Your posture has a lot to do with how easily you move and play your game. There are three factors for maintaining balanced posture which you should be aware of: 1) skeletal structure, 2) soft tissue integrity, and 3) neurological control. Studies show that when these three factors are in harmony with each other, there occurs what is known as “intrinsic equilibrium” or “tensional integrity”. Your skeletal system contributes to your size and shape. Problems can develop when there is asymmetry of shape or changes in joint function, reducing mobility and creating motion fixations (stiffness and decreased range of motion).

Soft tissue integrity is what holds you together and allows you to move. If there is a shortening or weakening of the connective tissues (muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments), then your posture is altered and function is impaired. With neurological control, you have a complex alliance of several neurological factors, including reflexes, pain, learned behaviors and acquired habits. Add to this a history of injuries, occupational stresses and psychological makeup, and it is any wonder you can swing a club and hit the ball consistently.

Another postural factor you must be aware of is the influence of your spinal curves. Your spine is the engine that powers your swing. The four normal curves of your spine create a biomechanical advantage for shock absorption. Studies have shown that “optimal balance of these physiologic curves creates effortless, non-fatiguing posture that is painless to the individual.” Walking, standing, jumping, twisting; anything we do in an upright position will be more efficient and allow for greater endurance in all endeavors.

Finally, as a golfer, you must consider the forces you create in your spine and joints with each swing. The wear and tear on your joints is only magnified when there is imbalance or restriction. Strategies abound on how to prevent injuries and improve performance, but certain principles remain constant: maintain a properly aligned spine, stay flexible with daily stretching of all muscle groups, make sure you are adequately hydrated and eat appropriately. Watch your posture, particularly during the mundane actions like sitting, lifting, and bending. The influences that affect your golf game do not end at the 18th hole. They are with you 24 hours a day. Your performance will benefit, however, if you consider your posture and your habits away from the golf course as an integral part of your training program.

Sign up for your 14 Point Golf Assessment today and learn where your weak points are and how you can fix them.

Benjamin W. Griffes, M.A., D.C.

Tarzana: 818.708.0740 Thousand Oaks: 805.371.6144

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