April Newsletter

Let’s talk about your time and your health, the ketone diet explained, what you need to learn, and AB 888, the Opioid Bill, from the chiropractors.

Ask me about standing desks, using CBD cream and oil, and the vitamins and minerals that help you sleep and help your joints.



How much time do you devote to staying healthy every single day, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds?  It’s not a trick question.  The six elements of health include adequate sleep, a good diet, proper posture, regular exercise, proper mental attitude and a balanced spine and muscles.  Do you include time each day to address all or some of these elements?  This is important because no one can ignore or exclude all the aspects of health for very long without the body breaking down.  You don’t have to read any research to know how lousy you feel when you don’t get enough sleep, or eat too much sugar, or feel tight and sore all over from poor posture.  It doesn’t have to be that way, if only you knew but what to do with your time, those precious seconds and hours.

Here is what you can do.  Look up and sit up.  Watching your posture takes no time at all, just an awareness to lift up your chest and look up instead of down at your phone while walking and sit up when in a chair or the car.  You’ll breathe better and your muscles will be more relaxed.  Eat whole foods.  Try as hard as you can not to sacrifice wholesome nutrition for convenience.  Fit in daily exercise by walking stairs, doing basic squats, push-ups and crunches. It’s important to offset all the sitting and inactivity you do every day.  Get enough quality sleep; turn off your electronics and stretch before you get into bed.  Pay attention to what you feed your mind; depressing news, vapid TV shows and unimaginative movies.  Focus on the positive, the good and how you can be of service to others.  Lastly, get your spine checked regularly and your muscles rebalanced, so your nervous system works 100%.





WE TEACH WHAT WE MOST NEED TO LEARN by Jim Dohn, D.C. (good friend of mine)

A single, female, middle-aged patient came in to get gently adjusted out of her neck and back discomfort.  She announced she had just gotten engaged to be married.  I noticed she was a lot more relaxed than the last time I had seen her. I congratulated her on her marriage plans and she said I was the one who prompted this action.
I said, “Huh? “What did I have to do with it?”
She said, “You told me everyone needs someone who adores them and says nice things about them regularly.  It’s good for health, posture and digestion.”
I said, “I said that to you?”
She said, “Yes you did.”
I really do not remember saying it.  Sure sounds true to me though.
Then she says, “So nobody was doing that for me so I started saying nice things to and adoring him.  This guy at work.  Now we’re getting married. Go figure.”
“And he now says the nicest things to me”.
She is now breathing deeper and standing up straighter.
I thought to myself, “We only teach what we most need to learn.”


It is the tragedy of the world that no one knows what he doesn’t know – and the less a man knows, the more sure he is he knows everything. – Joyce Cary

He is wise who knows the sources of knowledge – who knows who has written and where it is to be found. – A.A. Hodge

I know what I can know, and am not troubled about what I cannot know. – Johann Fichte

Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. – Voltaire

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you’ll never cease to grow. – Anthony J. D’Angelo

AB 888 The Opioid Bill (Evan Low) initiated by the California Chiropractic Association

  •  The opioid crisis continues to take a huge toll on Californians. According to the latest data available by the California Department of Public Health1 there were:
  • 2,196 deaths from opioid overdose
  • 4,281 emergency department visits from opioid overdose
  • In a society where over half of workers experience back pain, which is the 4th leading cause of disability2, and where opioids have been seen as the first line of defense for treating pain, this approach  can translate to continued skyrocketing numbers of individuals who become addicted to opioids.
  • There are several evidence-based nonpharmacological treatments for pain management when it comes to musculoskeletal and spinal issues. Numerous studies have pointed to multidisciplinary care including acupuncture, behavioral health, chiropractic, occupational and physical therapy for treating pain.3,4,5,6,7,8  It has been shown that by seeing a doctor of chiropractic for lower back pain has resulted in a 55% less chance of filing an opioid prescription.9
  • AB 888 does several things to ensure patients are well informed of their options before a opioid is prescribed:
  • Patients will be required to give verbal and written informed consent before a prescription is written where they acknowledge they understand the risks associated with opioids
  • Providers will be required to offer a referral to evidence-based nonpharmacological treatments (i.e. chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, etc)
  • Requires the state to consider including coverage of evidenced-based nonpharmacological care during the next update of the state’s essential health benefit benchmark, which has been recommended by recent research looking into evidenced based care for pain and insurance coverage10


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