Hi ya’ll,
Here are more things to read and do to help you navigate the coronavirus:
What is herd immunity?
COVID-19 testing information from Quest Diagnostics
The CDC guidelines for reopening America:
The Flex Appeal class is going to continue every Monday at 12:30 pm PDT through June, including Memorial Day, May 25th. Cost is $6.00 per class or $24 for the month of June (5th week is free).
This is a 60 minute class that stretches you from your nose to your toes and everything in between. We suggest you use a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing. You may email any questions to Dr. Griffes at stretching4life@aol.com.
You may pay for the class via VenMo – @Benjamin Griffes1; via PayPal – stretching4life@aol.com or Benjamin Griffes; by check, sent to Dr. Ben Griffes, 18399 Ventura Blvd, Suite 241, Tarzana, CA 91356.
Call or email with questions. Both offices are open and I have begun to do telemed conferencing, mostly focused on exercises to do at home.
Be safe. Stay healthy.