I’m riding down the coast of California this week, from San Francisco to Cambria. When I tell people I’m doing this they either say “wow, how cool” or they ask “why?” Answering “why” is probably more provocative. Because it’s there? Because I can do it? Both. There is something to be said about the tranquility of riding a bike and being able to observe so many things you miss seeing in a car. There is also the extended time to think and contemplate about stuff, like your life. I wonder about the people who live along the coast; why do they live there and what do they do? I pass homes sandwiched between Highway 1 and the beach, barely 300 ft between the two, not unlike Malibu, but still remote, with austere beauty. -I also think, this is kind like an adventure – doing something new, it’s kind of scary, I might get hurt, it might be fun. So, I completed the first day. How was your day? Was in memorable in any way? Dr. Ben